Do you want to go to school to advance your current career or give you an advantage over others in entry-level career positions? Consider an associate degree in business. Here are four ways this degree could work to your benefit.
1. Degree Flexibility
An associate business degree can be tailored to suit your needs. While core courses are mandatory, you will have the freedom to tailor your degree to specific industries with your elective courses. For example, if your end goal is to work in a bank or you are currently employed as a bank teller, you can opt for more finance courses to meet your credit requirements.
If you want to get into medical sales or move up the ranks at the medical sales company you already work for, you may want to take a biology or anatomy class in addition to your business classes. Whatever your current situation and future goals, an associate business degree can help you meet those objectives.
2. Convenience
Most associate degree-offering institutions recognize they need to offer flexible scheduling. For the student already in the business job market, a school that only offers classes during the business day probably won't be too helpful. Many of these students also would not be able to attend classes full-time.
Schools today recognize their students have different work and family obligations and offer a schedule that can accommodate most people. Many schools even offer courses partially or entirely online. This allows prospective students many more options when it comes to finding the right associate degree business school program for them.
Online course availability means you are no longer hampered by your geographical location. You can even attend a school out-of-state. When you can simply log in to your virtual classroom rather than attend a school near you, you have a lot more opportunities to find the right program for you.
3. Less Time
Earning an associate degree usually takes about two years if you attend full-time. However, even if you can only take classes part-time because of work or family responsibilities, you'll still graduate more quickly than you would if you were working towards a bachelor's degree.
4. Lower Financial Investment
Attending a 4-year college or university typically costs considerably more than attending an institution that offers an associate degree. And when you consider the fact that you'll graduate sooner, enter the job market sooner, or get promoted sooner, the savings could be substantial. You may also qualify for financial aid that may completely cover the cost of the lower amount of tuition at a business school.